
How much has happened at the homestead since our last posting! It is hard to write it all, so I will pen it in more of a conversational flow. Let’s take a breath, pretend to have a seat, and a a cup of coffee and relax… Those sheep we started with have grown in numbers.Continue reading “Oh-me-oh-my…”

Gearing Up for the Farmer’s Market

Our very first Farmer’s Market appearance is set to happen in June, woot, woot! We will be at the Spooner Farmer’s Market from 8am to 12pm June 12th through October 2nd for the 2021 season. It has been an exciting (and admittedly occaisionally stressful) time to for us here at Sons and Daughters Homestead, andContinue reading “Gearing Up for the Farmer’s Market”

Homestead Blessings – Counting Them the First Year

As I reflect on our first year here, I am also overwhelmed with a sense of neighborly blessing, gratitude for relationships, and provision. We truly have seen God bless our hearts and bless us in practical ways through our neighbors, family, and both new and old friends as we have settled in. For a littleContinue reading “Homestead Blessings – Counting Them the First Year”

Reflecting on the First Year with Sheep

This year we started out with 5 feeder sheep, which the children named, even though we we intended to butcher them and told them not to. So we had our adorable first lamb, Buttercup, Black Eye, Parmesan, Netflix, and Poptarts. Our thought was to have just feeders this year so as to avoid build outContinue reading “Reflecting on the First Year with Sheep”